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Bumbu Hikmah Fajar has been tested by many of our friends. In this page, you can see what they have said about different dishes they created using Bumbu Hikmah Fajar. 

Please send us your own comment and a picture when you make a dish and we will posted here as well.

Writer's pictureRendang & Co Friends

I felt like I was a chef in a Padang restaurant

Review of Bumbu Kari by Ardianty Nababan, Oklahoma City, OK.

(The original version in Bahasa Indonesia)

Ketiban rejeki nomplok dari tante Indri, sample bumbu Hikmah Fajar. Coba masak yang Kari, modalnya cuma motong2 daging, bawang bombay, tomat, cabe merah dan taburan daun bawang. Gak pake mikir, gak pake ngulek, tinggal cemplung2. Hasilnya ... berasa kayak 'chef' rumah makan Padang. Hikmah Fajar, Nendang dan Guampang. Udah cobain gulai ayamnya juga, suka bgt!! Manis pedesnya pas! Jadi pesen bumbu lainnya dan gak sabar pengen cobain sop special yg konon rasanya mantap punya! Makasih tante Indri bumbunya :))

(The English translation)

I received a lovely surprise from auntie Indri: two samples of Hikmah Fajar seasoning paste (Kari and Gulai). I cooked the Kari one. All I did was cutting the meat, onion, tomato, red chili, and spring onion (for garnish). I did not have to google the recipe, nor grind the ingredients. All ready to be tossed into a pot. The result.. I felt like I was a chef in a Padang restaurant. I also tried Gulai Chicken and I really liked it! The combination between sweet and spicy is excellent! So, I ordered other flavors of Hikmah Fajar seasoning paste and I could not wait to try Sop Special, which I’ve heard that it is one of the best seasoning pastes! Thank you aunt Indri for the spices :))

Beef Curry made using Bumbu Kari from Hikmah Fajar

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