Hikmah Fajar Seasoning Paste is really Greattttt
Review Bumbu Rendang and Opor by Inna Nuri - Riverside, California (posted on Facebook on August 10th, 2018)
Bismillah Bumbu bumbu dari Rendangandco Hikmah Fajar memang mantaffff. Ma sha Allah ngga perlu ditambahin apa apa lagi heheh.. penyelamat waktu kalo lagi males 😄 😄 #rendang #opor #halalfood #semihomemadefood
Hikmah Fajar seasoning pastes from RendangAndCo are really greattt. Masha Allah, it does not need any other things, he he he. ....... It is really the rescuer when you feel lazy 😄 😄