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Bumbu Hikmah Fajar has been tested by many of our friends. In this page, you can see what they have said about different dishes they created using Bumbu Hikmah Fajar. 

Please send us your own comment and a picture when you make a dish and we will posted here as well.

Writer's pictureRendang & Co Friends

That "Tempeh" is just gone in a second

Review of Bumbu Sambal Goreng Buncis by Inta Bozkurt, Houston, TX

(The original version in Bahasa Indonesia)

Bumbu Sambal Goreng Buncis saya buat untuk 2 macam masakan, yaitu Sayur Buncis/Labu Siam dan Grill Tempe. Masakan ini ditampilkan di acara group Luncheon di Houston.

Untuk grill tempe, cara masaknya, saya mix bumbu sambal grg buncis dgn olive oil dan sedikit santan.  Kemudian tempe diulir mix tadi dan digrill.  Rasanya sedikit renyah dan tasty.  Laku betul tempe itu, apa lg di sini kan byk org2 vegan, jd tempe slalu dicari. Kata ibu2 Houston enak masakannya...tempenya lgsg cpt hbs...

(The English Translation)

I used “Sambal Goreng Buncis” seasoning paste for 2 different dishes: green been/chayote vegetable soup and grilled Tempe. These dishes were presented in a group luncheon event in Houston. For grilled Tempe, I mixed “Sambal Goreng Buncis” seasoning paste with olive oil and a lilts bit of coconut milk. Then, I marinated the Tempe in the mix and grilled it. The Tempe was crunchy and tasty. There are many vegans in Houston, so Tempe is always in the look for. The Tempe that I made disappeared immediately. The ladies here said that it was delicious.

Green Bean and Chayote Dish and Grilled Tempe, made using Bumbu Sambal Goreng Buncis from Hikmah Fajar

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